The ESL Academy offers resources and strategies to help you prepare for the TExES #154 ESL Supplemental Exam. The Academy is divided up into an Introduction and 10 Competencies that guide you through the components that are tested by the state. The Eco-Resilience NPD Program offers reimbursement for the TExES #154 exam if the Academy is completed in its entirety. For further information on the reimbursement process, you can contact Aibeth Laugisch at
Your Certificates
Your Courses

Reading, writing and reinforcement for the newcomer secondary student
We invite you to join us for an engaging session focused on supporting secondary newcomer students as they navigate their content areas and develop their English language skills. This workshop will provide insights into creating an inclusive and stimulating classroom environment tailored to the needs of these learners.

Basic Computational Concepts
The basic computational concepts video is an introduction of basic concepts for programming as a sequence, iterations, and conditional statements using an interactive software called Scratch, which will let you create a character to play and use the basic concepts for programming to create different moves or actions on the character.

Funding your path through College
Funding your path through college is an introduction to understand how to complete FAFSA and apply for different scholarships throughout your career.

Tips and Tools on using Microsoft to Enhance your Presentations
In this session you will learn some easy and quick steps to enhance your classroom presentations. Microsoft has many tools that are left unused that can make your presentation a success. Join this session for a hands-on tutorial by a former university student.

Prepare for College
Want to be ready for college? Join us in this session presented by a former University student that has walked the walk. Learn important steps to consider when looking into universities and colleges.

Promoviendo La Resilencia desde Casa: Aprendizaje Socio-Emotional
En esta sesión podrán ver varios temas relacionados al apoyo de sus hijos en el área de lo emocional. Nuestros hijos necesitan apoyo no solo académico pero en cómo manejar sus emociones para poder tener resiliencia y poder tener éxito no solo en lo académico pero en sus vida cotidiana.

Making the ELPS-TELPAS Connection
This session provides state guidelines and strategies on how the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) and the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) plays a role in the development of a student’s English proficiency. Both resources provide data and guidance for effective classroom instruction.

Las 5 Preguntas: Estrategias Infalibles para la comprensión de lectura y la escritura exitosa
Teachers will learn simple yet successful strategies that will facilitate the teaching and learning of the Spanish grammar using the Spanish 5 Ws of expression and comprehension.

Needs of Newcomers from the Environment, Curriculum, and You
In this session, you will be prompted to think about the elements newcomers need from the environment, curriculum, and you. These are simple strategies you may already be doing, or, perhaps they will give you new ideas and insights into the needs of your newly arrived students.

Cultural Awareness
Participants will explore the increasing cultural diversity of American schools and the need for educators to create culturally responsive classrooms. Participants will also learn to recognize, affirm, and respond to these differences and associated needs as well as develop strategies to increase the educational success and experiences of culturally diverse students.

The Social Emotional Side of Learning
As educators our focus automatically turns to academics, to the skills our students must learn before moving on to the next grade level but there is so much more than that. Maslow has shown us that students’ personal needs must be addressed before they can be successful academically. Join me in taking a look at the social emotional side of learning and how we as educators can make classroom changes that will support students in the learning process.

Compassionate Leadership: The Way of the Healer
This 50 min session will provide a brief exploration of Transformative Leadership. Compassionate Leadership is needed today more than ever before. With so much social injustice and unrest, our leaders need a new dimension of authenticity.

Building a Culture of Resilience for Student Retention and Achievement
Texas Education Summit 2020 Keynote by Elda Rojas, Deputy Superintendent and Chief Academic Officer at Cityscape Schools.

Sheltered Instruction: What I Should Know as an Administrator
This session is created specifically for administrators that support their staff in the implementation of Sheltered Instruction strategies. It is not as simple as offering training for teachers but also in understanding and monitoring the strategies so as to ensure success.

Family Engagement, Teacher Training, Self-Care, Oh my! Tips for Emergent Bilingual Administrators
Mrs. Armstrong will share tips for Bilingual & ESL administrators on family engagement, teacher training and so much more. This presentation will cover several programs to meet Title III Parent/Family needs with EL families, tips to promote staff/teacher relations and self-care.

TTWWADI: Disrupting the Systems to Provide Equity and Access for English Learners with Disabilities
Across the educational field a topic that has been identified as top priority is equity and accessibility for dually-identified students. There is a great sense of urgency in ‘getting it right’ for our ELs who have disabilities and a great need for understanding the complexities of how to ‘get it right’. This session will provide participants with valuable, concrete information on how to meet the needs of ELs with disabilities in the classroom.

Building Reading Comprehension in Content Area Texts
As students move to secondary schools, they make the shift of reading to learn rather than just learning to read. Students need exposure to informational texts through all content areas, not just English and reading classes. This session shows several easy to implement strategies to use across all content areas to make informational texts comprehensible to students. Participants will learn ways to incorporate reading to develop content knowledge and learning.

Escribiendo con autoridad en los grados primarios
Esta sesión identifica un conjunto de herramientas visuales para el desarrollo de la escritura las cuales facilitarán la enseñanza, y el aprendizaje de una forma amena y divertida tanto para los docentes como para sus estudiantes.
Esta sesión se presenta en español.

Giftedness and ELLs—Misconceptions, Identification, and Differentiation Strategies!
English language learners have been constantly underrepresented in the gifted population. As part of this interactive, hands-on training, you will learn various misconceptions around giftedness with the ELL population, as well as focal identification points to determine giftedness and strategies to differentiate instruction for this group of students.