This presentation aims to open up a dialogue and future collaboration among school and district leaders about a common goal of serving our children and our community.
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Cultivating Confidence While Closing the Gap: A Look Inside a Bilingual Classroom Post-Covid
To say that Covid-19 impacted our Emergent Bilinguals is an understatement. Certain areas are evident in the latest state standardized assessment scores. In this 45-minute presentation, we’ll discuss areas a bit harder to identify as we delve into what research says were the areas that were the most brutal hit and why they were the most affected. Our emergent population is especially vulnerable to literacy difficulties in the wake of COVID-19, so it’s essential to investigate strategies and practices designed to assist our students and help strengthen their language-focused and academic competencies. Join me as we discuss best practices that will help you meet the needs of your Emergent Bilingual students post-Covid.

Creating a Positive Classroom Experience
In today’s society, more and more students have experienced some trauma. We will learn the importance of being trauma-informed, looking for signs of trauma, and some best practices educators can use and implement.

Resiliency and Coping Skills: Building Resilience in Parents
Throughout this presentation, a brief definition of resilience will be presented. Participants will have the opportunity to take a short assessment to get their resilience score. After that, participants will learn about nine skills or qualities that make us resilient. Then, healthy coping strategies will be introduced to improve our resilience. Finally, participants will learn some practical tips they can use to help parents build resilience.

Parental Involvement & Social Emotional Skills in Academic Achievement
This presentation focuses on social emotional learning. The ideal goal of creating a growth mindset. Done so by teaching social and emotional skills to create a pathway to success academically and socially.

The Classroom Library: A Place to Reach Every Child
Have you ever wondered how many books you have that represent your students’ cultures? Join me in this webinar to reflect on your actual classroom library in terms of multicultural literature for children and young adult. You will walk away with a list of titles you can incorporate as read aloud, mentor texts, or just have them available four your kids’ enjoyment. I will share with you the importance of having multicultural and diverse literacy in the classroom and student achievement.

Reigniting Reading Interventions to Brighten Struggling Readers
Participants in this webinar will learn the importance of responsive teaching to excel during reading interventions. In addition, they will be presented with reading interventions as a way to respond to students’ individual literacy needs and growth. The term responsive interventions will be presented as a way to aid students by building relationships and provide individualized assistance through the students’ literacy pathway.

Blast from then Past! Do what works for you!
Join me in looking at some strategies to build academic language and vocabulary for students. These “oldies but goodies” will help with reinventing ways to support language acquisition and language development in your classroom. And an added surprise, threw in a new one but maybe and “oldie “for you!

Social Emotional Implications
Included lessons: "At-School & At-Home Learning Strategies for Parents & Students", and "Walking Around the Wellness Wheel: Socio-Emotional Strategies".

Making the ELPS-TELPAS Connection
This session provides state guidelines and strategies on how the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) and the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) plays a role in the development of a student’s English proficiency. Both resources provide data and guidance for effective classroom instruction.

Las 5 Preguntas: Estrategias Infalibles para la comprensión de lectura y la escritura exitosa
Teachers will learn simple yet successful strategies that will facilitate the teaching and learning of the Spanish grammar using the Spanish 5 Ws of expression and comprehension.

Needs of Newcomers from the Environment, Curriculum, and You
In this session, you will be prompted to think about the elements newcomers need from the environment, curriculum, and you. These are simple strategies you may already be doing, or, perhaps they will give you new ideas and insights into the needs of your newly arrived students.

Cultural Awareness
Participants will explore the increasing cultural diversity of American schools and the need for educators to create culturally responsive classrooms. Participants will also learn to recognize, affirm, and respond to these differences and associated needs as well as develop strategies to increase the educational success and experiences of culturally diverse students.

Building Reading Comprehension in Content Area Texts
As students move to secondary schools, they make the shift of reading to learn rather than just learning to read. Students need exposure to informational texts through all content areas, not just English and reading classes. This session shows several easy to implement strategies to use across all content areas to make informational texts comprehensible to students. Participants will learn ways to incorporate reading to develop content knowledge and learning.

Escribiendo con autoridad en los grados primarios
Esta sesión identifica un conjunto de herramientas visuales para el desarrollo de la escritura las cuales facilitarán la enseñanza, y el aprendizaje de una forma amena y divertida tanto para los docentes como para sus estudiantes.
Esta sesión se presenta en español.

Giftedness and ELLs—Misconceptions, Identification, and Differentiation Strategies!
English language learners have been constantly underrepresented in the gifted population. As part of this interactive, hands-on training, you will learn various misconceptions around giftedness with the ELL population, as well as focal identification points to determine giftedness and strategies to differentiate instruction for this group of students.

Behavior 101: Foundations of ABA
Challenging behavior can interfere with success in learning and life interactions. Behavior is a form of communication that usually is expressing a desire for an object, attention or activity or a way to escape or avoid an object, attention, or activity. Learn how to find the reason behind problem behavior and basic strategies of intervention.

The Social Emotional Side of Learning
As educators our focus automatically turns to academics, to the skills our students must learn before moving on to the next grade level but there is so much more than that. Maslow has shown us that students' personal needs must be addressed before they can be successful academically. Join me in taking a look at the social emotional side of learning and how we as educators can make classroom changes that will support students in the learning process.