Thinking about the future can be intimidating, but with the proper help and guidance, dreaming big could open student minds to limitless possibilities. In this session, students will be presented with the information and tools they need to succeed in their journey towards college, college, and life after college. Current college students will speak on the admission process, types of degrees offered, the cost of higher education, types of financial aid available, career pathways, and the overall college experience.
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The Congressional Award for Youth
The Congressional Award is the United States Congress' highest honor for young Americans. It is non-partisan, voluntary, and non-competitive. The program is open to all 14-to 23-year-olds. Participants have the opportunity to earn Bronze, Silver and Gold Congressional Award Certificates and Congressional Award Medals. In this session, students will learn how this award empowers young people to take a greater responsibility for their own lives, to discover new talents, to advocate on behalf of others, and to take positive action in the community.

Having fun while creating your first website
Having fun while creating your first website is an introduction to the basic elements of HTML for creating your first web page. You will able to learn how to create headings, paragraphs, hyperlinks, unordered lists, ordered lists, list elements, and images on HTML.

Basic Computational Concepts
The basic computational concepts video is an introduction of basic concepts for programming as a sequence, iterations, and conditional statements using an interactive software called Scratch, which will let you create a character to play and use the basic concepts for programming to create different moves or actions on the character.

Funding your path through College
Funding your path through college is an introduction to understand how to complete FAFSA and apply for different scholarships throughout your career.

Tips and Tools on using Microsoft to Enhance your Presentations
In this session you will learn some easy and quick steps to enhance your classroom presentations. Microsoft has many tools that are left unused that can make your presentation a success. Join this session for a hands-on tutorial by a former university student.